Physical therapy for injury or surgery recovery
Tired of being limited due to pain? Our therapy team provides compassionate, individualized and hands-on care designed to get you back to feeling and moving better as quickly as possible.
Our services and specialties include:
- Physical therapy
- Occupational therapy
- Speech therapy
- Orthopedic therapy
- LSVT BIG for individuals with Parkinsons
- Oncology (Cancer) Rehabilitation
- Burn Care Therapy
- Cognitive Rehabilitation
- LSVT LOUD for individuals with Parkinsons
- Vocal Cord Dysfunction Therapy
- Voice Therapy
- Speech Diagnostics
- Modified Barium Swallow Studies
- Flexible Endoscopic Evaluation of Swallowing
- Videostroboscopy - vocal cord assessment
- Pediatric Therapy (PT, OT, Speech)
- Aquatics
- Sensory Integration Therapy
- Multidisciplinary Groups
- Comprehensive feeding / swallowing assessments