Ascension Via Christi Pediatric Intensive Care Unit

Ascension Via Christi Pediatric Intensive Care Unit

  • Hospital/Medical Center
  • Pediatrics
  • Other

Pediatric intensive care in Wichita

Doctors and care teams at Ascension Via Christi Pediatric Intensive Care Unit in Wichita, Kansas, deliver care for critically ill or injured children.

For a critically ill child with a severe and life-threatening illness or injury, the pediatric intensive care unit (PICU) provides the highest level of care within the hospital. At Ascension Via Christi PICU, our highly experienced critical care doctors, nurses and care teams care for your child’s advanced needs. This may include diagnosis, monitoring and delivery of specialized medications and treatments. Highly skilled and compassionate care teams work 24/7 to deliver care for conditions including:

  • Serious infections, including meningitis and sepsis
  • Respiratory conditions, including Cystic Fibrosis, pneumonia and RSV
  • Congenital heart disease
  • Near-drowning
  • Organ failure, including heart, lung, liver and kidney failure
  • Chronic illness
  • Traumatic injury
  • Seizure
  • Diabetes 
  • Blood disorders

A multispecialty team dedicated to your child

If your child is critically ill or injured and receiving care in the PICU, pediatric intensive care specialists (intensivists) are at the center of your child’s care team – coordinating and managing their care with experienced and highly trained nurses and other pediatric specialists at Ascension Via Christi St. Francis. Your child’s pediatric intensivist works closely with other pediatric specialists, including pulmonologists, respiratory therapists, endocrinologist, gastroenterologists, nephrologists, surgeons, heart specialists, neurologists, orthopedic surgeons, dietitians and pharmacists. Your child’s team of specialists and nurses work together to deliver comprehensive care for your child.

Supportive care for your family

Supportive care is also available to your family. Social workers, chaplains, counselors, financial advisors and volunteers are part of our care team. Together, we deliver care that supports your family while your child is in the PICU. Whether you need emotional support, financial support, or a place to stay near your child – we can help connect you with the support and other services your family needs.

Advanced care for serious illness and injury

Ascension Via Christi provides a full range of care for children of all ages, including a Level III NICU at Ascension Via Christi St. Joseph. Pediatric intensivists from Children’s Mercy are caring for patients in the PICU at Ascension Via Christi St. Francis. Tapping into Children’s Mercy’s expertise allows us to leverage the best practices, training and protocols of a larger and nationally recognized pediatric services provider. It also gives your child and family more access to the specialized care, closer to home.

If your child has been diagnosed with bronchiolitis, they can be given a prescription for the Ascension Via Christi Suctioning Clinic, which is located at St. Francis. The Suctioning Clinic is open 24 hours, and provides both inpatient and outpatient care for children from 4 weeks to 24 months of age. 

Transfer a patient to the Ascension Via Christi PICU

Our PICU provides care for children throughout Kansas and beyond. And at Ascension Via Christi, we have a dedicated transport team to bring children directly to a higher level of care. This includes care for children with traumatic injuries and children who need a higher level of surgical care.

To transfer a patient to the PICU at Ascension Via Christi St. Francis, call 316-268-5000.