Ascension Via Christi Regional Burn Center

Burn care specialists at Ascension Via Christi Regional Burn Center in Wichita, Kansas, deliver burn care services for children and adults.

Specialty care for burns

Our care team at Ascension Via Christi Regional Burn Center specializes in the treatment of all types of minor and life-threatening burns. Our doctors, nurses and care team offer advanced care options to help improve your quality of life. We are the only dedicated burn care facility for adult and pediatric patients within 180 miles of Wichita. We are also verified by the American Burn Association for excellence in quality burn care. Our care team offers advanced skin and wound healing options for your physical and emotional health. Burn specialists are available 24 hours a day to answer all of your questions and accept referrals and transfers. 

Our burn care team works with you and your family to coordinate all aspects of your care. Our doctors, nurses, patient care technicians, social workers, case managers, chaplains, dietitians, and therapists have the expertise to deliver burn and critical care. Specialty consults are also available to support your specific needs, including Survivors Offering Assistance in Recovery (SOAR).

We deliver compassionate, personalized burn care due to:

  • Chemicals
  • Electricity
  • Fire and thermal burns (flame, scald, contact, steam)
  • Frostbite
  • Radiation, including severe sunburn
  • Inhalation injuries

The Burn Center also treats complicated wounds and special conditions that result in the loss of skin.

  • Complex wounds, including road rash, deglovings and pressure injuries
  • Necrotizing fasciitis and other complex soft-tissue infections
  • Snake and spider bites
  • Stevens-Johnson Syndrome and Toxic Epidermal Necrolysis

All patient rooms are private and feature state-of-the-art equipment. The Burn Center is adjacent to the pediatric intensive care unit with care teams cross-trained to both units.

For providers wanting to speak with a burn specialist regarding patient transfer or outpatient/clinic referral, call 800-353-3111.

Outpatient burn care

In addition to the Regional Burn Center, the Ascension Via Christi Burn Clinic is available for treatment of minor injuries not requiring an inpatient stay and for those requiring follow-up care after a hospital stay for burn injury. The outpatient Burn Clinic provides care for patients after their injury with on-site rehabilitation specialists to assist in recovery.

To contact the Ascension Via Christi Burn Clinic, call 316-268-5390.

Promoting fire safety and prevention

Our burn care team partners with Safe Kids Wichita Area and the Wichita and Sedgwick County fire departments to promote community-wide burn prevention and treatment education, state and national legislative initiatives to decrease the incidence of burns, and burn survivor support activities.

Call 316-268-5875 for more information on education, outreach and support activities.