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Dell Children's Medical Center - North Campus Emergency Department

With a Level III Trauma Center, Dell Children's Medical Center - North Campus Emergency Department in Austin, TX, delivers 24/7 pediatric ER care.

Pediatric emergency care, close to home

In North Austin, Dell Children’s Medical Center North Campus pediatric emergency room delivers 24/7 emergency care – specially designed and staffed for children with serious illness and injury. We listen to quickly understand your child’s health needs. Then, we provide care that’s right for your child and your family.

Our board-certified pediatric emergency care doctors, nurses and care teams are specially trained in pediatric emergency protocols and deliver advanced lifesaving care. We know emergencies can be overwhelming for children, so our pediatric ER was designed with children and families in mind. Colorful waiting areas and exam rooms help put your child at ease, and we use specially designed equipment made just for children.

Certified child life specialists are also part of your child’s care team. These specialists are experienced in helping children manage fears, stress and other challenges while receiving care in the hospital. From the moment you walk through the door, Dell Children’s Medical Center North Campus care teams deliver compassionate care to help your family through an emergency.

Questions about the care you need or the closest ER? Call us.

ERs at Dell Children’s and Ascension sites of care are open 24/7, caring for major or life-threatening illness or injury. If your child is experiencing a life-threatening emergency, go directly to the ER or call 911. But if you are unsure if your child needs emergency care – or don't know when or where to go – call our care navigation hotline to find the location or site of care that's right for your family. Our care navigation hotline has medical professionals available 24/7 who can help you determine when and where to go, at no cost to you.

CALL - 512-324-2424

Caring for sudden, serious illness and injury in children

When an illness becomes more severe or your child has a major injury, it may be time to take your child to the ER. Don't delay getting the emergency care your child needs. Symptoms and signs that your child needs emergency care include:

  • Trouble breathing
  • Blue face and lips or pale coloring
  • Chest pain
  • Seizure
  • Major injury or broken bone
  • Severe allergic reaction
  • Severe vomiting or diarrhea
  • Animal bite
  • Other serious illness or injury

24/7 pediatric trauma care in North Austin

When your child has experienced a life-threatening or traumatic injury, they need immediate emergency care. The ER at Dell Children's Medical Center North Campus is designated as a Level III Trauma Center. When you choose trauma centers at Dell Children's, you get highly trained pediatric trauma surgeons and care teams with the expertise to treat serious injuries. Our care teams work together to provide multidisciplinary, comprehensive emergency medical care.

If your child needs more advanced care, they are quickly connected to the highest level of trauma care at the Level I Trauma Center at Dell Children’s Medical Center on our main campus in Central Austin.

Connected to pediatric specialty care at Dell Children’s

Your child’s care doesn’t end when your family leaves the ER. At Dell Children’s, your child and family are connected to the most pediatric specialty care in Central Texas – including nationally ranked brain and spine care, a dedicated mental health center, leading pediatric heart transplant care, the only children's cancer center in Central Texas and more. Before your family leaves the ER, we connect you with the right specialist for your next follow-up appointment and other services, including imaging, pharmacy, rehabilitation and more.

If your child is experiencing a life-threatening emergency, go directly to the ER or call 911.

Dell Children's Medical Center - North Campus Emergency Department