Ascension Medical Group St. John Neurosurgery Bartlesville

Neurosurgeons at Ascension Medical Group St. John Neurosurgery Bartlesville in Bartlesville, OK, provides advanced care for neurological disorders.

Care for back and neck conditions

At Ascension Medical Group St. John, we offer solutions for your pain and deliver personalized care when your physical and mental health is affected by neurologic disease. To diagnose complex brain and spine conditions, we offer advanced neurodiagnostic imaging including PET, MRI, 3D brain imaging and nerve mapping technology. Our doctors and care teams work together to deliver medication therapies, surgical care options and neurophysiology care for your needs.

Neurosurgical specialty care

Our neuroscience specialists treat many types of brain and nervous system disorders. We listen to understand your health needs. Then we deliver the care that’s right for you. We treat patients with significant cerebral vascular disease, such as:

  •  Carotid artery disease
  •  Vertebral–basilar artery disease
  •  Intracranial aneurysms
  •  Arteriovenous malformations
  •  Cerebral artery dissections
  •  Surgical treatment for Parkinson’s 
  •  Brain tumors

We also treat common conditions, such as:

  •  Back pain
  •  Nerve pain, including numbness

Benefits of our neurosurgical approach to brain and spine care

The neurosurgeons at Ascension Medical Group St. John are leaders in brain and spine surgery, stroke interventions and novel treatments for AVM, aneurysm and brain tumors. Our care teams specialize in brain health, cranial surgery and spinal surgery. For extremely sensitive brain surgery, our neurosurgeons use robotic-assisted technology and 3D brain mapping. 

Our Neurosurgery nurse navigator specializes in working with you and your family on medication management, resources, rehabilitation and support groups.