Ascension All Saints Hospital - Spring St Surgical Services

Ascension All Saints Hospital - Spring St Surgical Services

  • Mammography
  • Cancer care
  • Neurology
  • Women's health
  • Orthopedics
  • Surgery
  • Physical Therapy


3801 Spring St
Racine, WI 53405





Visitor Hours

At Ascension All Saints Hospital, we believe that family and friends play an important role in supporting the health and healing of our patients.

At Ascension All Saints Hospital, our goal is to provide the best care possible for every patient, every day. Because families and loved ones are such an important part of the healing process, we want you to have an experience that exceeds expectations. If you have questions or concerns at any time during your visit, please feel free to speak with an All Saints Hospital associate or caregiver.

Visiting Hours

Recommended visiting hours are 11 am – 8:30 pm daily.

At Ascension All Saints Hospital, we believe that family and friends play an important role in supporting the health and healing of our patients.

While visitors can positively impact the healing process, we recommend that you limit your visits to the identified general visiting hours so patients can rest and recover.

At certain times, visits may also be reduced due to the patient’s condition and physician's recommendation. Should special circumstances arise, feel free to ask the nurse if alternate visiting hours may be arranged.

Patients in the hospital may have weakened immune systems, so please avoid visiting if you are feeling ill, including symptoms such as cough, fever, sore throat, stuffy or running nose, or stomach irritability. Visitation will be restricted if visitors have an obvious illness or communicable disease.

Visitors should always respect the patient’s wishes while maintaining confidentiality, privacy and security for others. Patients may decide who can and cannot visit. Please discuss any concerns with the patient’s caregiver.

Patients Enjoy a Calming Environment

We want to provide a calm, quiet and healing environment for our patients. Help us achieve this by reducing noise during our daily Quiet Hours from 1-2 p.m. and 10 p.m. – 5 a.m.

Children's Visitation

Children are permitted to visit a friend or loved one. It is the responsibility of the family member to maintain continuous supervision of their children at all times. Any child with a communicable disease or obvious illness will be restricted from patient contact and areas.

For general questions about visiting hours, please call 262-687-4011.

How to Contact a Patient

In accordance with HIPAA regulations, we cannot release patient information. If you are trying to reach a patient at Ascension All Saints Hospital, you will need to provide both first and last names. Please call us at 262-687-4011.

Visitors should always respect the patient's wishes while maintaining confidentiality, privacy and security for others. Patients may decide who can and cannot visit or if they will accept phone calls to their room. Please discuss any concerns with the patient's caregiver.