Ascension All Saints Hospital - Spring St Surgical Services

Ascension All Saints Hospital - Spring St Surgical Services

  • Mammography
  • Cancer care
  • Neurology
  • Women's health
  • Orthopedics
  • Surgery
  • Physical Therapy


3801 Spring St
Racine, WI 53405





Spiritual Care

Ascension All Saints Hospital values each person’s unique spirituality, and we honor their traditions and beliefs.

Ascension All Saints Hospital is grounded in a strong faith tradition. We believe that diagnosis, treatment and healing addresses not just the physical but also the mental, emotional and spiritual needs of our patients and their families. We value each person’s unique spirituality, and we honor their traditions and beliefs. The spiritual care that we embrace is one of the things that set us apart as a health care provider.

To request spiritual care services or more information, please call 262-687-5359.


Patients, families and staff are welcome in our chapels for quiet reflection, meditation and prayer at any time. St. Mary’s Chapel is located on the first floor and near the gift shop of the main hospital.

Our Chaplains

While you are at All Saints Hospital, chaplains are available to support and comfort you as you heal. They represent diverse faith traditions and are educated to care for people of any faith or no faith. Our chaplains also collaborate with members of our care team so that they can effectively address the spiritual needs associated with acute/chronic illness, disability, aging and loss.

Spiritual Services

The spiritual care team is here to assist you and your family in any of the following ways:

  • Aid in the healing process with music, meditation or guided imagery
  • Assist you with preparing an Advance Directive
  • Facilitate spiritual issues related to organ, tissue or eye donation
  • Assist you in exploring hope and meaning
  • Be a caring and listening presence
  • Contact your church or assist you in locating a representative of your faith
  • Help you explore spiritual concerns
  • Facilitate conflict resolution among staff members, patients and families
  • Help you explore and cope with your fears, grief or anger
  • Help you explore difficult decisions from a faith and values point of view
  • Administer the sacraments
  • Support you with prayer and scripture
  • Assist with worship services, including memorial services and funerals