Ascension SE Wisconsin Hospital - Franklin

Ascension SE Wisconsin Hospital - Franklin

  • Emergency care
  • Hospital/Medical Center
  • Primary Care/Clinic
  • Mammography
  • Physical Therapy


10101 South 27th St
Franklin, WI 53132



Visitor Information

Ascension welcomes family and friends of our patients. We’ve provided the information below to help make your visit convenient and comfortable.

Visiting Hours

We encourage your visit; however, we also ask that you respect our visiting hours as it’s important to make sure our patients get the rest they need for a speedy recovery.

Recommended visiting hours are 11 a.m. – 7 p.m. daily.

For the safety of our patients, visitors who have symptoms of a cold, flu or other respiratory illness are encouraged to refrain from visiting patients until symptoms subside. Patients have the right to decide who can and cannot visit. If you have special concerns, please talk with your caregiver.

Overnight Visits

Patient visitation between 8 pm and 6 am is limited to emergencies as determined by the staff participating in patient care. Anyone visiting under these circumstances must get an after-hours visitor pass from the Security Department.

Intensive Care Unit Visits

As a family member or friend of a patient in the Intensive Care Unit (ICU), you play a very important role in the healing process by providing familiarity, comfort and loving support. We encourage visits but ask that you follow our ICU guidelines when visiting a loved one.

If you have questions about visiting hours at Ascension SE Wisconsin Hospital - Franklin Campus, please call 414-325-4700.