Ascension SE Wisconsin Hospital - Franklin

Ascension SE Wisconsin Hospital - Franklin

  • Emergency care
  • Hospital/Medical Center
  • Primary Care/Clinic
  • Mammography
  • Physical Therapy


10101 South 27th St
Franklin, WI 53132



Prepare for Your Visit

Thank you for choosing Ascension SE Wisconsin Hospital - Franklin Campus for your health care needs.

Whether you are visiting us for a lab test, imaging exam, diagnostic test, outpatient procedure or surgery, we want to provide you with the highest level of quality care and clinical excellence, all while keeping in mind your personal needs.

Have questions about your visit? Give us a call at 414-325-4700.

Preparing for Your Lab, Radiology or Diagnostic Test

For most lab tests, imaging exams, and diagnostic tests, you will be given pre-arrival information by the person who scheduled your test or by our pre-registration associates when they call you to pre-register. You will receive instructions about what, if anything, you need to do in advance of your test or exam regarding diet, beverages, medication, or other preparations. You will also be told where to park and how to find the department you need.

For some services, such as mammography, you may be instructed to report directly to that department. For others, you will be instructed where and when to check in. Your information will be confirmed upon arrival, and you will be asked for photo identification, any co-pays, and your insurance card, if applicable. You will be asked to complete and/or receive any necessary paperwork.

Before you leave, you will be given information about any expected recovery time and follow-up instructions. You may also leave with a prescription, which may be filled at any Ascension Wisconsin Pharmacy or the pharmacy of your choice.

Preparing for an Outpatient Procedure

Your doctor may schedule you for a procedure through Franklin Same Day Surgery. Before your procedure date, you may need some pre-admission tests that will be scheduled by the doctor doing your procedure. You will be given specific instructions about any dietary restrictions, medications or other things to do before your procedure. You may also receive a call from the department to gather any other information your procedural team might need.

Our Patient Registration Department will call to pre-register you. You will be given instructions about where and when to check in for same-day surgery. Free parking is available at Franklin Campus.

When you check in, bring a photo ID, your insurance card, and a check or credit card to cover any co-pays, deductibles, or co-insurance. If you need inhalers, your CPAP machine, glasses, canes, walkers, or crutches, bring these with you, too. Also, follow your doctor’s instructions about bringing any medications from home.

After your procedure, you may go to the recovery room, where you will be monitored for discharge. Visitors may not be allowed in the recovery room, but when you are awake and ready, you will be taken to a private room where you can see visitors until discharge.

Before you leave, you will be given instructions about your care at home and any prescriptions your doctor may have written for you. Because of the effects of medication and anesthesia, you may not drive yourself home after your procedure, so you will need to arrange transportation.

Preparing for Your Surgery

If you are coming to Franklin Campus for surgery, our skilled staff will provide you with excellent care during your stay. We will also make sure you are prepared in advance for what to expect. You will be given a booklet, "Getting Ready for Surgery," that includes a checklist to use before and after your surgery; it will also explain what to expect at the hospital. The booklet gives some specific tips on preparing for your child’s surgery, as well.

Preparation for surgery is very similar to preparation for an outpatient procedure as outlined above. Before your surgery date, you may need some pre-admission tests that may be scheduled by your surgeon or primary care physician. You will receive a call from the Pre-Procedure Assessment Center to gather any other information your surgical team might need.

Our Patient Registration Department will call to pre-register you and provide you with instructions about where and when to check in. Your doctor may also give you specific instructions about any dietary restrictions, medications or other things to do before your surgery. Free parking is available at Franklin Campus.

When you check in, bring a photo ID, insurance card, and a check or credit card to cover any co-pays, deductibles, or co-insurance. If you need inhalers, your CPAP machine, canes, walkers, or crutches, do bring these with you. You should also pack any items you will need for an overnight stay, including glasses, dentures and hearing aids –– ask your doctor if you should bring any prescription medications.

After your surgery, you will go to the Post Anesthesia Care Unit (PACU), where you will be monitored until being moved to a hospital room or the Intensive Care Unit if you need constant care. Visitors may not be allowed in the Recovery Room, but when you are awake and ready, you will be taken to a private room where you can see visitors until discharge.

Before you leave, you will be given instructions about your care at home and any prescriptions your doctor may have written for you. You should make arrangements to get home, as you should not drive yourself after surgery.

Things to Remember

  • Your insurance company must pre-certify your surgery, so carefully follow the instructions on your insurance card.
  • Depending upon your insurance plan, you may be asked to pay your deductible, co-pay, or co-insurance on or before the day of your surgery.
  • Do not wear make-up, perfume, nail polish, lotions, or powder.
  • Do not wear jewelry, including wedding rings and/or body piercings.
  • Do not bring any valuables with you.
  • You will be asked to remove dentures, glasses, contacts, hearing aids, and wigs before most procedures – they will be returned to you after recovery.
  • If you have an Advance Directive (Living Will or Power of Attorney), please bring a copy for your chart.
  • If you need inhalers, your CPAP machine, canes, walkers, crutches, or other assistive devices, bring them with you.
  • If an identification band with a yellow sticker is placed on your wrist, do not remove it.
  • You may leave with a prescription, which may be filled at any Ascension Wisconsin Pharmacy or the pharmacy of your choice.