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Sedation services

At Peyton Manning Children’s Hospital, we provide pediatric sedation services to help your child relax and be comfortable during tests and procedures.

Mom hugging child before a medical procedure at Peyton Manning Children’s Hospital in Indianapolis.

Pediatric sedation services at Peyton Manning Children’s Hospital

It’s normal for children to be nervous about having a medical procedure. At Peyton Manning Children’s Hospital, our goal is to make your child’s test or procedure as comfortable as possible. Sometimes, sedation is used to help your child feel more at ease or to help reduce pain. Pediatric sedation specialists are part of our care teams and offer a wide range of sedation services. Sedation is the use of medications to help your child relax and remain comfortable during medical procedures. There is a wide range of sedation – from light to deep. In light sedation, your child is awake, relaxed and able to answer questions normally. In deep sedation, your child is asleep and does not respond to touch or sound. Our care team is also experienced in working with children with special needs and complex medical conditions.

Procedural sedation for children having tests and procedures

Procedural sedation (light sedation) is different from general anesthesia (deep sedation). With procedural sedation, your child is given light medication through an IV. This medicine decreases your child’s level of alertness to a comfortable, safe level to allow the procedure to be completed safely. In some cases, the medication temporarily decreases pain levels. Your child’s vital signs will be continuously monitored during and after the sedation until it is safe for your child to leave.

Our team of skilled pediatricians, nurses, and certified child life specialists collaborate closely with your child and family to design a customized sedation plan. We use many different methods to help your child stay calm during their procedure, including distraction techniques and play. We also take the time to fully explain the procedure to your child so they know what to expect. Understanding what to expect can help reduce your child’s anxiety.

If you feel that your child may benefit from sedation during a test or procedure, talk with your child’s doctor. Sedation may be used for many different tests and procedures, including:

  • Biopsy
  • Bone marrow aspiration
  • Electroencephalogram (EEG)
  • GJ tube placement
  • Hearing tests
  • Imaging (MRI, CT, ultrasound)
  • Lab draws (using nitrous oxide)
  • Lumbar puncture (spinal tap)
  • Minimally invasive surgical procedures
  • Orthopedic procedures
  • PICC line placement

Preparing for your child’s procedure

Preparing for your child’s appointment depends on the type of test or procedure they are having. Your child’s care team takes the time to explain the procedure to you and give you instructions on how to prepare your child for their appointment.

Some children might find it helpful to know about their procedure beforehand, while for others, too much information in advance could heighten anxiety about their upcoming appointment. When discussing the test or procedure with your child, use simple language and honest explanations.

Since your appointment may last several hours, bringing distraction items can be beneficial. To make the sedation and procedure more comfortable, you may bring comforting items like a favorite toy, blanket, or game.

After your child’s procedure

Once your child is ready to leave, the nurse will give you instructions on how to care for your child at home. The nurse will also give you a number to call for any questions or concerns that you may have after you go home.

Children may have side effects from the sedation medication for up to 24 hours after their procedure. These may include being sleepy for several hours, vomiting, difficulty with balance and behavior changes.

Sedation for children with specific needs

Please let your care team know ahead of time if your child has special needs, such as a strict routine or sensory sensitivities. We can help schedule an appointment time that limits disruptions to routines and make fasting time easier for your child.

We encourage you to let us know about any concerns you have or about anything that may help make the process easier for your child. This information will help us prepare for your child’s appointment so it’s as easy as possible for your child and family.

Sedation services