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Neonatal intensive care unit (NICU)

The NICUs at Peyton Manning Children’s Hospital in Indianapolis and Evansville provide care for preterm and critically sick newborns.

Infant receiving advanced care in the NICU at Peyton Manning Children’s Hospital.

NICU at Peyton Manning Children’s Hospital

Doctors and critical care teams at Peyton Manning Children's Hospital deliver advanced care for even the smallest and most fragile patients. Peyton Manning Children’s Hospital in Indianapolis is a Level IV NICU – meaning we deliver the highest level of care for critically ill newborns and those born prematurely. In Evansville, we have a Level III Perinatal Center. Our experienced on-site neonatologists provide care 24/7. Your child and family are connected to the right pediatric specialists at Peyton Manning Children’s Hospital. From our NICU, we provide on-site consultation and care from pediatric medical and surgical specialists. And your family is connected to advanced imaging and respiratory support.

Our multidisciplinary care team takes the time to explain your child’s diagnosis and answer all your questions – big and small. We work with you and your child’s specialists to create a care plan that’s right for your child and family. If your child needs surgery, have confidence knowing Peyton Manning Children's Hospital in Indianapolis is one of the few hospitals in the nation that has a Level I Children’s Surgical Program designation from the American College of Surgeons. This means we deliver the highest level of surgical care for even the tiniest patients.

Providing the most advanced care for newborns

Our doctors and care teams provide all the care that critically ill newborns may need – including breathing and blood circulation support, imaging and more. Our doctors have the expertise to diagnose, treat and manage even the complex conditions.

  • Conditions treated at Peyton Manning Children’s Hospital Indianapolis Level IV NICU
    • Brain injury, including hypoxic ischemic encephalopathy
    • Bowel atresia (blockage in the small intestine)
    • Congenital diaphragmatic hernia (a hole in the diaphragm)
    • Congenital heart disease
    • Congenital lung malformations
    • Esophageal atresia
    • Feeding difficulty
    • Gastroschisis (a hole in the abdominal wall)
    • Genetic disorders
    • Genital anomalies
    • Hydrops (fluid build-up or swelling)
    • Hydrocephalus
    • Infection
    • Jaundice
    • Neural tube defects (spina bifida)
    • Omphalocele
    • Prematurity (extreme prematurity)
    • Pulmonary hypertension (high blood pressure in the lungs)
    • Respiratory distress and failure
    • Seizure
    • Skeletal dysplasias
    • Stroke
  • Conditions treated at Peyton Manning Children’s Hospital Evansville Level III NICU
    • Brain injury, including hypoxic ischemic encephalopathy
    • Congenital heart disease
    • Feeding difficulty
    • Genetic disorders
    • Infection
    • Jaundice
    • Stroke
    • Prematurity (extreme prematurity)
    • Pulmonary hypertension (high blood pressure in the lungs)
    • Respiratory distress and failure
    • Seizure

If your child needs more advanced care, including surgical care, your child and family are connected to the highest level of pediatric surgical care at Peyton Manning Children's Hospital in Indianapolis.

Family-centered care for infants in the NICU

At Peyton Manning Children’s Hospital, our neonatology care team provides a comfortable environment for your baby and family. We keep you and your family involved in your child’s care. You are welcome to attend medical rounds and participate in your child’s neonatal care as much as possible. Web cameras are also used so you can securely watch your baby 24/7 on your Wi-Fi-enabled device, such as a mobile phone, tablet or laptop.

Certified child life specialists are part of your child’s care team. These specialists support your family’s emotional health while your child is receiving care in the NICU. During some procedures, we may provide a helpful distraction to your child. We also work with families to provide visual and sound stimulation for your baby, using pictures, artwork, music therapy and voice recordings.

Supportive care, including care for emotional and spiritual health, is available to your family. Social workers, chaplains and financial advisors are also part of your care team. Together, we deliver care that supports your family. Talk with your care team if you have questions or concerns. We can connect you with other services you may need.

Multidisciplinary approach to care

Doctors at Peyton Manning Children’s Hospital collaborate to deliver care for premature and critically ill newborns. Your child’s care team may include:

  • Maternal-fetal medicine specialists
  • Neonatologists
  • Nurse practitioners
  • Respiratory therapists
  • Occupational, physical and speech therapists
  • Registered dietitians
  • Pharmacists
  • Lactation consultants
  • Social workers and case managers
  • Surgeons
  • Certified child life specialists
  • Music therapists
  • Language interpreters
  • Other pediatric specialists

Caring for even the tiniest babies

The Small Baby Unit at Peyton Manning Children’s Hospital in Indianapolis provides specialized care for babies born as early as 22 weeks gestation. These infants have specific needs that are best met by a team that focuses on all aspects of their care.

The NICU at Peyton Manning Children’s Hospital in Evansville provides care for babies born as early as 32 weeks gestation. Your baby will be cared for by a multidisciplinary care team that delivers comprehensive care.

When your baby leaves the NICU, they will be connected to follow-up care through our NICU follow-up programs at Peyton Manning Children’s Hospital. We help make sure your child has all the care they need and are connected to the right pediatric specialists.

Supporting your preferences for breast milk in the NICU

Breast milk is full of antibodies your baby needs to be healthy. And it has essential nutrients for healthy growth and development. While in the NICU at Peyton Manning Children’s Hospital in Indianapolis, if it is your preference, we work closely with you to make sure your baby is fed breast milk. If your baby is born prematurely or your milk supply has been delayed, you may have the option for your baby to receive donor breast milk while they are in the NICU. Donor breast milk can provide the essential antibodies and nutrients your baby needs.

Providing neonatal care throughout Indiana

Doctors and care teams at Ascension St. Vincent hospitals deliver advanced care for premature and critically ill newborns throughout Indiana.

  • Ascension St. Vincent Carmel – Level III NICU
  • Ascension St. Vincent Fishers – Level II Special Care Nursery
  • Ascension St. Vincent Kokomo – Level II Special Care Nursery

If your baby needs more advanced care, they are connected to the highest level of neonatal intensive care at Peyton Manning Children’s Hospital in Indianapolis.

Neonatal intensive care unit (NICU)