Primary care personalized for women
Every woman’s expectations for pregnancy and delivery are as unique as the child you are carrying, which is why Ascension Sacred Heart offers Monogram Maternity, a complimentary birth-planning service to help you design your childbirth experience.
Monogram Maternity begins during your pregnancy in a meeting with your birth navigator, who will assist you in your birth-planning process and guide you along your pregnancy journey. Your birth navigator is available to consult with you in person, over the phone or through e-mail regarding your birth plan.
Learn about Ascension Sacred Heart's maternity care services
Personalized care and options during your pregnancy
Our birth navigators will meet with you to discuss your birth plan and present a list of birth plan questions along with our options of care. We prioritize listening to you and value your vision for your childbirth experience, as well as the care of your baby after delivery.
This initial discussion allows you and your partner to review your options and consider aspects of your delivery that you may not have thought about previously. By sharing your vision for your baby's birth in advance, your doctor and healthcare team will be better prepared to meet your needs. Your birth plan may include your preferences for pain management, medications, room setup, visitors and support people, movement during labor, positions, and available amenities.
We are here to support you with:
- Birthing options, including birth with and without epidural
- Breastfeeding support
- Childbirth classes
- Midwifery services
A personalized birthing experience
Our personalized birth experience program, Monogram Maternity, begins during your pregnancy. You can meet with a birth designer, who will ask you questions about your pregnancy and your labor and delivery preferences. Then, a birth designer will show you a list of services available to you. Your birth preferences may include your wishes for pain management and medications, room setup, visitors and support people, movement during labor, positions and amenities. Amenities available to you through Monogram Maternity include:
- Aromatherapy
- Birthing balls
- Celebratory meal
- Doula services
- Music
- Photography
- Tub (for labor, not delivery)
At Ascension Sacred Heart Monogram Maternity, we provide family-centered birth with home-like comforts. Working together, we help deliver a memorable birth experience.
Birthing suites for low-intervention deliveries
Private birthing suites are available, designed for women expecting low-risk births. The Ascension Sacred Heart Monogram Maternity offers three rooms with tubs to be used in labor, as well as a selection of birthing balls, bars and other comfort aids. Specially trained OB nurses focus on methods of pain control including massage, breathing techniques, position maneuvers, and aromatherapy.
Along with our certified midwife program, birthing suites provide women in our community who choose to have an unmedicated, low-intervention birth the peace of mind that comes with having specialized doctors and nurses prepared for emergency care just down the hallway. These services bring a new option for pregnancy and childbirth care, combined with the level of safety that can come from the area’s only OB Emergency Care Center, a Level III Neonatal Intensive Care Unit and Ascension Sacred Heart hospital with 24/7 onsite obstetrician and anesthesia coverage.
Women wishing to use the birthing suites are asked to talk to their doctor and schedule an appointment with Ascension Sacred Heart’s birth designer, who meets with patients to learn about their labor and delivery preferences, including wishes for pain management and medications, room setup, visitors and support people, movement during labor, positions and amenities. The birthing suites are available for patients of Ascension Medical Group midwives and OB-GYNs, as well as any community OB-GYN with delivering privileges.
For more information about Monogram Maternity and designing the birth plan that is right for you, call 850-416-6378 or email
Virtual Tour
For questions, please contact our labor-and-delivery manager at 850-416-4405 or the Monogram Maternity birth design office at 850-416-6378.
For life-threatening emergencies, call 911 or go to the nearest emergency room. Our emergency rooms at Ascension Sacred Heart deliver care 24/7.