Ascension All Saints Hospital - Spring Street

Ascension All Saints Hospital - Spring Street

  • Emergency care
  • Cancer care
  • Cardiology
  • Pulmonology
  • Sleep disorders
  • Hospital/Medical Center


3803 Spring St
Racine, WI 53405



Vein Care Center

Ascension All Saints Vein Care Center in Racine, Wisconsin for cosmetic and medically necessary vein procedures.

Located at:

Ascension All Saints Hospital - Main Entrance - Spring Street Campus
3803 Spring Street #430
Racine, WI 53405

Campus Map

For unsightly veins or leg pain, the Ascension All Saints Vein Care Center in Racine, Wisconsin specializes in minimally invasive vein procedures.

Ascension All Saints Vein Care Center, located in southeast Wisconsin, includes vascular and general surgeons, vein care nurses, and support staff. We provide vein screenings for men and women at no charge. Call 262-687-8346 to schedule an appointment .

Symptoms of Vein Disorders

Both men and women of any age can develop varicose and spider veins. Having vein disease can cause leg pain, throbbing, burning, itching, swelling, fatigue, heaviness and cramping. Having restless leg syndrome can also be a sign of venous insufficiency. If vein disease exists, leg skin can become discolored and skin texture can change. In more severe cases, vein disease can result in ulcers and spontaneous bleeding. Bulging varicose veins and spider veins can not only be uncomfortable, but they can make you feel self-conscious. The vein care team at Ascension All Saints Vein Care Center is here to help you feel better inside and out.

Vein Care for Women

In women, spider veins often develop due to hormonal changes and increased blood volume during pregnancy. Varicose veins can also develop during pregnancy because of the weight and pressure of the uterus compressing veins and decreasing blood flow to your lower body. These pregnancy-induced spider and varicose veins can fade or disappear after pregnancy. If they persist, the Ascension All Saints Vein Care Center may be able to help.

Does one or more of the following symptoms concern you or describe your legs?

  • Pain and/or cramping
  • Heaviness or fatigue
  • Swelling
  • Itching
  • Restless legs
  • Visible or bulging veins in legs
  • Leg ulcer or spontaneous bleeding of leg veins

At Ascension All Saints Vein Care Center, the doctors and care team listen to and understand your health concerns. The vein care team strives to provide you with the most effective, comprehensive treatment plan tailored to your specific symptoms and vein disease. Our doctors are board-certified general surgeons specializing in cosmetic and medically necessary vein procedures aimed at treating:

  • Spider or unsightly surface veins
  • Bulging or varicose veins
  • Vein related dysfunction or disease

If you have already been diagnosed with varicose veins or vein disease, the Ascension All Saints Vein Care team specializes in routine and complex vein care management.

Less Pain, Quicker Recovery

Ascension All Saints Vein Care Center specializes in outpatient, minimally invasive procedures for less pain and quicker recovery including the following

  • Endovenous Chemical* or Radiofrequency Ablations: Using a medical-grade glue or heat to treat and seal large ineffective veins. *The Ascension All Saints Vein Care Center is one of a few sites in the Midwest performing chemical ablation therapy using the VenaSealTM closure system.
  • Micro-phlebectomy: Removal of bulging veins with tiny microincisions- incisions so small that stiches are not needed.
  • Ultrasound-guided Sclerotherapy: With the use of ultrasound technology, small injections of a medical solution are made into smaller dysfunctional veins causing the ineffective veins to close and eventually be reabsorbed within the body.
  • Cosmetic Sclerotherapy: Small injections of a medical solution are made to visible spider veins causing them to close and eventually fade. Cosmetic sclerotherapy can be performed by registered nurses certified and trained in performing this treatment. Cosmetic vein care is not covered by health insurance. Cosmetic sclerotherapy is available at Ascension All Saints Vein Care Center for an out-of-pocket fee. For some patients, multiple therapy sessions are required.

Next Steps

  1. Talk to your primary care physician or wound care provider about your concerns and a referral to the Vein Care Center for further evaluation.
  2. Call the Vein Care Center for a complementary nurse consultation. In this consultation, a vein care nurse will do the following:
    • Provide a brief overview of vein anatomy and the vein disease process
    • Review and discuss your symptoms or concerns
    • Assess and evaluate your need for additional testing and/or surgeon consultation
  3. If recommended, diagnostic testing with a venous insufficiency ultrasound can be ordered:
    • A non-invasive imaging procedure completed while standing to diagnose reflux in the veins. Venous reflux occurs when there is impaired return of blood from the veins in the legs and feet.
    • Testing can require standing for up to an hour-and-a-half