Ascension SE Wisconsin Hospital - St. Joseph

Ascension SE Wisconsin Hospital - St. Joseph

  • Hospital/Medical Center
  • Emergency care
  • Laboratory
  • Mammography
  • Mental Health
  • Physical Therapy
  • Primary Care/Clinic
  • Weight-loss and bariatric surgery
  • Women's health
  • Wound care and hyperbarics


5000 West Chambers St
Milwaukee, WI 53210



Visitor Information

Ascension welcomes family and friends of our patients. We’ve provided the information below to help make your visit convenient and comfortable.

Visiting Hours

Recommended visiting hours are 11 a.m. - 8 p.m. daily.

We encourage you to visit family and friends who are hospitalized at Ascension SE Wisconsin Hospital - St. Joseph Campus. In many cases, having company can be beneficial to the healing process and make a patient’s stay more comfortable.

Please keep the following in mind as you visit:

  • Honor the suggested visiting hours to give all patients the quiet environment and rest they need for a speedy recovery.
  • If you arrive after 8 p.m., please enter through our Emergency Department. You will be given a security bracelet that you must wear at all times.
  • Visiting may be limited due to the patient’s condition and physician’s recommendation. It’s important to allow adequate quiet time and rest for a quick recovery. Visitors should always respect the patient’s wishes while maintaining confidentiality, privacy and security to others. Patients may decide who can and cannot visit. If you have concerns, please talk with the patient’s caregiver.
  • To provide exceptional and compassionate health care, we ask that you do not visit if you have signs of an upper respiratory infection such as fever, runny nose, sore throat or cough.
  • If you are here to visit a new mom and newborn, we encourage visiting during normal visiting hours of 8 a.m. to 8 p.m.

Critical Care Unit

Recommended visiting hours for the St. Joseph Campus Critical Care Unit is 10 a.m. - 10 p.m. daily.

Children's Visitation

Children are permitted to visit a friend or loved one. It is the responsibility of a family member to supervise children at all times. Any child with a contagious disease or obvious illness will not be allowed into patient units or to come into contact with a patient.

Pet Visitation

Other than seeing eye dogs, a physician’s order is required for pet visitation. Please work with your caregiver to arrange a time for pet visitation. Pets are limited to dogs and cats, and they must be free of illness.

For more information about visiting hours, please call 414-447-2000.