Ascension SE Wisconsin Hospital - Elmbrook

Ascension SE Wisconsin Hospital - Elmbrook

  • Hospital/Medical Center
  • Emergency care
  • Cancer care
  • Surgery
  • Weight-loss and bariatric surgery
  • Wound care and hyperbarics


19333 West North Ave
Brookfield, WI 53045



Spiritual Care

We serve all people and embrace all faiths, cultures and diversities. We value each person’s unique and sacred spirituality.

To request spiritual care services or more information, please call 262-785-2192.

Ascension Elmbrook Hospital Chaplains

Your spiritual wellness is important to us at Elmbrook Hospital. If needed or requested, our hospital chaplains are available to listen and offer comfort and spiritual support to you and your family.

Our hospital chaplains are here to administer the sacraments, lead interfaith worship and memorial services, and offer grief support. They are available 24 hours a day, seven days a week. Your parish priest or minister is welcome to visit, and we encourage you to contact him or her.

Spiritual Services

Ways we can be of assistance to you and your family:

  • Caring presence and conversation
  • Chapel and sacred space for quiet meditation
  • Exploring sources of meaning and hope in the midst of a health crisis
  • Grief support for change, death, loss, and transition
  • Helping you work through difficult decisions
  • Honoring ethnic/cultural spiritual needs
  • Inspirational resources such as Bibles, prayer books, and cards
  • Mass and other worship services
  • Meditation and guided imagery
  • Prayer for your well being
  • Sacramental ministry: Holy Communion, Anointing of the Sick, Reconciliation
  • Support for your individual religious and spiritual practices
  • TV channel for reflection and meditation
  • Advance Directive assistance
  • Hearing and interpreter services


All are welcome in the Elmbrook Hospital chapel for quiet reflection, meditation, and prayer at any time. It's a unique spot to gather, relax and find a quiet moment. The chapel is located on the third floor, south end and is open 24 hours.