Ascension Columbia St. Mary's Hospital - Ozaukee

Ascension Columbia St. Mary's Hospital - Ozaukee

  • Emergency care
  • Hospital/Medical Center
  • Imaging
  • Laboratory
  • Mammography
  • Physical Therapy
  • Cancer care
  • Mental Health
  • Wound care and hyperbarics
  • Cardiology


13111 North Port Washington Rd
Mequon, WI 53097



Visitor Information

Ascension Wisconsin welcomes family and friends of our patients. We’ve provided the information below to help make your visit comfortable.

Support of family and friends is very important to health and healing. Family members and friends are welcome. However, the health and well-being of all our patients is our primary concern. We ask that family and friends be mindful of the following guidelines:

  • Please note that special policies apply for intensive care and other select units. Please check with the specific unit or the information desk.
  • If any family member or friend has a cold, flu, runny nose, cough, fever, diarrhea, rash or contagious disease, please ask that person not to visit.
  • Children must be supervised by an adult (18 years or older and not the patient) at all times during the visit.
  • Noise levels should be kept to a minimum in order to promote health and healing and as a courtesy to others.
  • Under special circumstances or in the case of extended stays, a patient’s pet may be allowed to visit during his or her hospital stay. Visits must be arranged in advance. Please discuss your request with the patient’s nurse prior to the pet’s visit.

Visiting Hours

General Visiting Hours: 11 a.m. - 8 p.m.

*Please note that special policies apply for intensive care and other select units. Please check with the specific unit or the information desk. Numbers are listed below.

To Contact a Patient

Call the information desk where the patient is hospitalized, and have the patient's first and last name ready. The information desk personnel will connect you to the patient's room.

  • Ascension Columbia St. Mary's Hospital - Milwaukee Campus: 414-585-1001
  • Ascension Columbia St. Mary's Hospital - Ozaukee Campus: 262-243-7346
  • Ascension Sacred Heart Rehabilitation Hospital: 414-585-6750
  • Ascension Columbia St. Mary's - Women's Medical Center: 414-585-1001

Automated Teller Machines (ATMs)

  • Ascension Columbia St. Mary's Hospital - Milwaukee Campus: Ground floor near the Garden Café
  • Ascension Columbia St. Mary's Hospital - Ozaukee Campus: Pilger Atrium, Garden Level near the café seating area
  • Ascension Columbia St. Mary's - Women's Medical Center: First floor

Chapel or Meditation Room

A chapel or meditation room is available at all Ascension Columbia St. Mary’s hospitals. Visitors of all faiths are welcome to visit for worship, prayer and quiet reflection.

  • Ascension Columbia St. Mary's Hospital - Milwaukee Campus - Two Chapels are available: one on the first floor of the hospital and one on the second floor of the Heritage Center.
  • Ascension Columbia St. Mary's Hospital - Ozaukee Campus - The Chapel is on the second floor.
  • Ascension Columbia St. Mary's - Women's Medical Center - A Chapel is located on the first floor.