A department of Ascension Columbia St. Mary's Hospital

Ascension Columbia St. Mary's - Concord Center Sleep Medicine

The care team at Ascension Columbia St. Mary's - Concord Center Sleep Medicine in Mequon, WI, delivers care for your sleep disorder.

Specialty care for sleep disorders

Our sleep medicine specialists at Ascension Columbia St. Mary's - Concord Center listen to understand your health needs and help improve your quality of sleep. Having a sleep disorder can affect your physical and emotional health. Our sleep doctors and registered sleep technologists specialize in performing diagnostic tests to better understand how your breathing, napping and nightly sleep routine affects your heart, lungs and brain. The sleep center at Ascension All Saints is accredited by the American Academy of Sleep Medicine (AASM). Common sleep conditions include:

  • Insomnia
  • Narcolepsy
  • Obstructive sleep apnea
  • Snoring
  • Restless leg syndrome 

When chronic snoring, fatigue and daytime sleepiness affect your daily life, ask your doctor if a sleep study is right for you. Our Sleep Center provides a wide range of testing options, including:

  • In-lab sleep study for sleep apnea, sleep movement disorders, and abnormal sleep behaviors
  • In-lab continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP) or bilevel PAP (BiPAP) titration
  • In-lab home ventilator titration
  • In-lab narcolepsy evaluation
  • DOT/ CDL/ Fed Med card sleep clearance
  • Epilepsy monitoring 

Sometimes, in-home sleep apnea monitoring is recommended. Our care team delivers and sets up the sleep monitoring device and gives you instructions. The device is returned to our sleep center to be analyzed. A diagnostic report is then sent to your doctor.

Sleep disorder care plans

Our doctor and nurse personalize the treatment plan for your needs. We’re here to help you improve your quality of sleep and overall health. Treatment options available, but not limited to:

  • Positive airway pressure (PAP) therapies, including CPAP and bilevel PAP
  • Non-invasive ventilation therapies
  • Dental sleep apnea therapies including oral appliances/mouthguards
  • Insomnia therapies including medication, cognitive/behavior therapy
  • Medication management for excessive daytime sleepiness
  • Restless leg syndrome therapies
  • Abnormal sleep behavior therapies
  • Lifestyle and dietary changes
  • Relaxation techniques
  • Weight loss recommendations