Visitor information

Ascension Seton Hays visitation policies allow us to provide a safe environment, high-quality care and positive experiences.

Heart surgery patient in hospital bed.

Visitor information

Our visitation policy allows us to provide a safe environment, high-quality care, and positive experiences when and where our patients need us.

Intensive Care - For patients in intensive care, Ascension Seton Smithville maintains an open visitation policy with the exception of 6:30 a. m. to 8:30 a.m. and 6:30 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. The number of visitors and length of visits also may be limited, depending on the patient’s condition and to allow for patient care or diagnostics procedures. A lounge area is available nearby for periods between visits. After 10:00 p.m., visitation is limited to one family member who may stay with the patient, providing the patient condition allows.

Visitors showing signs or symptoms of infection or illness should not visit. Symptoms of illness could include cough, fever, runny nose, rash, vomiting, diarrhea, or sore throat.

Children under 12 are only allowed to visit with the approval of the nursing staff. Children who are allowed in the ICU must be under direct adult supervision at all times and will be asked to leave if disruptive. We also request that any friends or family who are ill not visit patients.

To ensure optimum care for all patients in the unit, we request patient/family cooperation. Things the family may do to help are:

Appoint a family spokesperson to serve as a link between the ICU staff and the family. Please be respectful of the hospital staff’s time, as well as their need to provide the best care possible to all patients, and limit calls to important matters of concern. To help make your family member in intensive care more comfortable, feel free to bring a tape of favorite music, cards or photographs. Be prepared to see a lot of wires, tubes and equipment. Monitors have alarms to alert the nurse when something needs to be checked. Alarms are not always a cause for concern. Appropriately prepare children for this, and remind them that it is not cause for concern.