Ascension Seton Hays - Sleep Disorders Center

The care team at Ascension Seton Hays - Sleep Disorders Center in Kyle, TX, delivers advanced, personalized care for your sleep disorder.

Specialty care for sleep disorders

If you feel you aren’t getting enough sleep and experience excessive daytime sleepiness, you may be suffering from a sleep disorder. The Sleep Disorders Center at Ascension Seton Hays in Kyle, Texas, can help you get the rest you need. We have doctors who specialize in sleep-related medical concerns.

Common sleep disturbances treated by our sleep specialists include:

  • Sleep apnea
  • Narcolepsy
  • Restless Leg Syndrome (RLS)
  • Periodic Limb Movement Disorder (PLMD)
  • Insomnia
  • Parasomnia
  • Snoring

Left untreated, sleep problems can contribute to significant health problems such as high blood pressure, irregular heart rhythms or heart disease, stroke, heart attack, diabetes, clinical depression, and other serious conditions. At the Ascension Seton Hays Center for Sleep, our team of multidisciplinary specialists are focused on helping patients return to a restful night's sleep.