Ascension Borgess Palliative Care Inpatient Consultation Service

Ascension Borgess Palliative Care Inpatient Consultation Service in Kalamazoo, MI, delivers personalized care for chronic pain & illnesses

Care for long-term chronic illnesses

Our palliative care team at Ascension Borgess Inpatient Palliative Care in Kalamazoo provides palliative care to adults and children with a long term illness. Palliative care may be part of your or your loved one’s therapeutic care plan or may be provided as part of hospice care. We listen to understand your needs. Then we deliver compassionate, personalized care that is right for you and your family. We focus on therapies to help manage symptoms and improve your quality of life, while offering your family support as they adjust to your prognosis. Our palliative care medicine specialists coordinate care with your primary care doctor and specialists.

Palliative care for symptom management

Palliative care may be recommended to help you manage symptoms due to a chronic health condition such as advanced heart failure, cancer, COPD, stroke or Alzheimer’s disease. We help you and your caregivers coordinate specialty care for your emotional and physical health. Palliative care services include care for:

  • Constipation
  • Depression and anxiety
  • Difficulty sleeping
  • Fatigue
  • Loss of appetite
  • Shortness of breath
  • Pain

Compassionate end-of-life care

Our palliative care team at Ascension Borgess Inpatient Palliative Care has a special and compassionate way of caring for individuals who are facing end-of-life. Our hospice and bereavement teams bring many supportive care programs to the patient and their loved ones. If you decide you are ready for hospice, your palliative care team can help you find the hospice group that best fits the needs of you and your family.