Ascension Medical Group St. Vincent - VeinSolutions(TM)

Doctors at the Ascension Medical Group - St. Vincent in Carmel, IN, specialize in treating leg pain and improving your vascular health.

Vascular care for leg pain

Whether your vein problems make you self-conscious or cause you pain on the job or at home, our vascular surgeons are dedicated to treating your vein condition and improving your vascular health. Having vein disease can cause discomfort in your legs—from leg cramps and swelling to throbbing, burning or itching pain. Talk to your doctor about your symptoms.


Care teams at Ascension Medical Group St. Vincent - VeinSolutions™ provide vein screenings to diagnose venous reflux, spider veins and varicose veins. At our accredited vascular lab, our vein specialists provide a thorough evaluation and use ultrasound, image-guided technology to diagnose and treat vascular disorders, such as:

  • Blood clot
  • Chronic venous insufficiency, also called venous reflux
  • Deep vein thrombosis
  • Phlebitis (vein inflammation) 
  • Rosacea and other facial skin discoloration
  • Skin ulcer on the leg or ankle
  • Spider veins
  • Varicose veins

Minimally invasive treatments 

Ascension Medical Group vascular surgeons provide the latest treatment options for men and women needing vein care, including:

  • Venous sclerotherapy
  • Radiofrequency VNUS closure
  • Varithena (Varithena microfoam is an alternative form of non-surgical venous ablation that can be performed in the office without the need for any anesthesia).
  • Ultrasound vein screening 

Our vein specialists use radiofrequency ablation with ultrasound-guided technology to treat and seal ineffective veins. Other vein treatments may include vascular surgery, laser light therapy and vein-shrinking injections. Vascular procedures include:

  • Endovenous radiofrequency ablation using heat
  • Micro-phlebectomy micro incisions to remove sections of bulging veins
  • Cosmetic or medically necessary sclerotherapy injections to eliminate spider veins
  • Medically necessary sclerotherapy for a bleeding vein

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