Ascension St. Vincent's St. Johns County

Ascension St. Vincent's St. Johns County

  • Hospital/Medical Center
  • Cardiology
  • Endocrinology
  • Imaging
  • Neurology
  • Orthopedics
  • Pulmonology
  • Pharmacy
  • Women's health


Open 24 hours

Patient Rights

At St. Vincent's HealthCare, we are committed to following sound moral and ethical principles. As such, we recognize your rights as a patient.

Patient Rights

  • A patient has the right to be treated with courtesy and respect, with appreciation of his or her individual dignity and with protection of his or her need for privacy.
  • A patient has the right to receive care in a safe setting that protects his or her privacy and confidentiality.
  • A patient has the right to have his or her cultural, psychosocial, spiritual and personal values, beliefs and preferences respected. 
  • A patient has the right to formulate advance directives and designate a surrogate to make healthcare decisions on behalf of the patient.
  • A patient has the right to participate in the consideration of ethical issues that arise in his or her care.
  • A patient has the right to a prompt and reasonable response to questions and requests.
  • A patient has the right to know who is providing medical services and who is responsible for his or her care.
  • A patient has the right to know what patient support services are available, including whether an interpreter is available if he or she does not speak English.
  • A patient has the right to receive from the healthcare provider information concerning diagnosis, planned course of treatment, alternatives, risks and prognosis.
  • A patient has the right to refuse any care, treatment and services except as otherwise provided by law, and to be informed of the medical consequences of this action.
  • A patient has the right to know what rules and regulations apply to his or her conduct.
  • A patient has the right to be given, upon request, full information and necessary counseling on the availability of known financial resources for his or her care. If eligible for Medicare, the patient has the right to know, upon request and in advance of treatment, whether the healthcare provider or healthcare facility accepts the Medicare assignment rate.
  • A patient has the right to receive, upon request, prior to treatment, a reasonable estimate of charges for medical care, to receive a clear and understandable itemized statement and upon request to have the charges explained.
  • A patient has the right to access, request amendment to and receive an accounting disclosures regarding his or her own health information as permitted under law.
  • A patient has the right to impartial access to medical treatment or accommodations regardless of race, national origin, religion, handicap or source of payment.
  • A patient has the right to treatment for any emergency medical condition that will deteriorate from failure to provide treatment.
  • A patient has the right to be free from mental, physical, sexual and verbal abuse, neglect and exploitation, and to be free from seclusion or restraints that are not medically necessary or to protect the patient or others from harm.
  • A patient has the right to access protective and advocacy services.
  • A patient has the right to know if medical treatment is for experimental research purposes and to give his or her consent or refusal to participate in such experimental research.
  • A patient has the right to pain management.
  • A patient has the right to express grievances regarding any violation of his or her rights, as stated in Florida law, through the grievance procedure of the healthcare provider or healthcare facility that served him or her and to the appropriate state licensing agency.