Doctors and mental health specialists at Ascension St. Vincent sites of care provide behavioral and mental health care.

Start a conversation about your mental health

At Ascension St. Vincent in Evansville, when you need to talk, we’re here to listen.

Caring for your mental and emotional health can help you more easily handle the stressors that can impact your overall health. If you are feeling sad, overwhelmed or anxious, or struggles with substance use or addiction, start a conversation with your primary care doctor at Ascension St. Vincent sites of care in Evansville, Indiana, and surrounding communities. Your doctor will listen to you and work with you on a care plan that’s right for you. And if you or an older adult you care for needs more advanced behavioral and mental health care, talk to us about connecting you to our Behavioral Health Department. We’re here to help provide the compassionate support you or a loved one needs.

Helping you rebuild peace of mind and spirit

Our experienced doctors care for the whole you, from your physical health and well-being to your mental and emotional health. Ask your doctor if virtual visits are an option for your care.

If you have been diagnosed with a behavioral or mental health condition, or if you need specialized care, our experienced mental health professionals diagnose, care for and treat even the most complicated psychiatric conditions, addictions, and behavioral health disorders in adults and seniors.

Talk to your primary care doctor to get a referral to a mental health professional.

Personalized care for your mental and emotional health

When you need more advanced care, doctors and specialists at Ascension St. Vincent Evansville and Ascension St. Vincent Warrick deliver inpatient crisis services and other mental health services to adults and seniors. Our care team includes psychiatrists, psychiatric nurse practitioners, social workers, nurses, therapists, and other behavioral health specialists specializing in the diagnosis and treatment of:

  • Anxiety disorders, including post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD)
  • Behavioral disorders, including eating disorders
  • Domestic, emotional and sexual abuse
  • Mood disorders, including all types of depression and bipolar disorders
  • Psychotic disorders, including schizophrenia
  • Substance use and addiction care
  • Suicidal ideation and self harm

Inpatient adult behavioral health services

Referrals may be made by physicians, psychologists, social workers, mental health professionals, social service agencies, family or friends. Admissions are accepted 24/7. For our direct admission protocol or to make a referral, contact Ascension St. Vincent Evansville, Behavioral Health Department.

CALL - 812-485-5025

Adults and seniors are initially assessed at Ascension St. Vincent Evansville – Emergency. Behavioral and mental health may include, but not limited to:

  • 24-hour behavioral health monitoring and supervision
  • Behavioral health diagnostic assessment and evaluation
  • Electroconvulsive therapy (ECT)
  • Family therapy
  • Individual and group therapy
  • Medication stabilization and management
  • Patient and family education
  • Discharge and aftercare planning

Support groups for bipolar disorder

If you or a loved one is living with bipolar disorder, being part of a support group can help. Our support groups allow you to meet others who share similar experiences with you and can provide comfort. Bipolar support group meetings are held every first and third Wednesday of each month from 7-8:30 pm at the Kempf Bipolar Wellness Center located on the 3rd floor of the Rehabilitation building at Ascension St. Vincent Evansville. Please call 812-426-2640 to be added to the support group invitation. The meetings are free and no pre-registration is required.

Support groups are peer-led and do not take the place of professional treatment.

An advanced treatment option: electroconvulsive therapy

Electroconvulsive therapy (ECT) is a psychiatric treatment option for adults, age 18 years and older, who are diagnosed with a mental illness that is unresponsive to standard mental health treatments. Our experienced psychiatrist provides a thorough mental health evaluation to determine if ECT may be right for you. If you receive medical clearance for ECT, you and your caregivers and family will be educated about what to expect. This therapy can be provided as part of your inpatient care at Ascension St. Vincent Evansville or as an outpatient procedure. Throughout your care, we monitor your health and involve your caregivers and family members to help support your recovery. For more information about ECT, call St. Vincent Evansville, Behavioral Health Department, 812-485-5004.

Benefits of our approach to behavioral and mental health care

When you choose Ascension St. Vincent Evansville, you’ll find all the care you need, doctors who listen and care that’s connected. Your doctors and care team work together to deliver treatment and recovery care options for your condition.

Emergency care for a mental health crisis

Quickly recognizing the signs that you or a loved one is experiencing moderate to severe mental or emotional distress is the first step in getting necessary care. For emergencies, including severe mental health distress and suspected substance overdose, ERs at our hospitals are open 24/7. If you are experiencing a life-threatening emergency, go directly to the ER or dial 911.

Family sitting on a couch talking.

Coping programs

Coping programs – Clinical depression and anxiety disorders can affect personal and professional relationships. At Ascension St. Vincent Evansville sites of care, our specialists deliver personalized programs for: Women experiencing perinatal mood and anxiety disorders (PMAD), seniors coping with aging and depression, adults struggling with chronic pain, and complex health conditions and depression.

Senior couple looking at each other.

Support for seniors

Specialists at Ascension St. Vincent Warrick in Boonville, Indiana, focus on the needs of older adults and their mental and emotional health needs. Serenity Senior Behavioral Health – a inpatient care unit for older adults experiencing mental and behavioral health symptoms or thoughts of self-harm or violence toward others, Our team provides personalized care for many behavioral and mental health conditions. Our goal is to stabilize the crisis, provide treatments and aftercare planning, including: 24/7 behavioral health monitoring and supervision, behavioral health diagnostic assessment and evaluation, counseling: individual, group and family therapy, electroconvulsive therapy, medication management, patient and family education, and recreational therapy. Our care team includes psychiatrists, psychiatric nurse practitioners, social workers, nurses, therapists, and behavioral health specialists. Referrals can be made by doctors, psychologists, social workers, mental health professionals, social service agencies, family or friends.

harmony program older woman

Personalized Outpatient Mental Health Care

The Ascension St. Vincent Harmony Program is a new intensive outpatient mental health treatment program designed specifically for adults 55 and older. The program provides nine to 12 hours of group therapy per week, for as many weeks as determined by the participant and care team. It includes individual counseling sessions with a licensed therapist and medication management by a psychiatric nurse practitioner. This program aims to provide mental health treatment for participants who need more frequent treatment than traditional outpatient counseling, but do not need to be hospitalized for their current diagnosis. The Harmony Program is located at Ascension St. Vincent Warrick Hospital. Transportation is available in Vanderburgh and Warrick Counties and all major insurance providers are accepted. To learn more contact Ascension St. Vincent Harmony Program by email at or by phone at 812-897-7144.

Suicide and crisis lifeline

No matter what problems you're dealing with, if you need someone to lean on for emotional support, call or text 988 or chat to connect with trained crisis counselors. It's confidential, free, and available 24/7. If you or a loved one is experiencing an immediate life-threatening emergency, go directly to the ER or call 911.

Frequently asked questions about mental health services

  • Where are the mental health and addiction services in Southern Indiana?

    Our psychiatrists, psychologists, nurse practitioners and licensed social workers specialize in the diagnosis and treatment of many mental illnesses, addictions, behavior problems and substance use disorders in adults and older adults.

    Find a mental health professional.

    Translation services are also available at Ascension St. Vincent Evansville and Ascension St. Vincent Warrick.

  • What type of conditions do your mental health specialists treat?

    Doctors and mental health professionals have the expertise to diagnose and treat many mental illnesses, including anxiety, eating disorders, bipolar disorder, depression, panic attacks, phobias, PTSD and more.