Onore maana modot gori farede kabel hotá bañgidouya okkol añrattu ase. One Ascension ore kool gorile, "onor zuban" ki hoiyo ar onore ekzon hotá bañdidouya loi añra zugazug gorai diyoum.
Zodi onottu dhakthor or ofís yato dhakthor hanat maze modot lagile, éçe o hotá bañgidouya ekzon añra entezam gori fari. Onor epuainmen hóñtte loiyo yato dhakthor hanat foóñsile meerbanigori añrare zanaiyo. Hotá bañgidouya ekzon vidhu kool, fún kool, yato nize haze oiyore onorar fuañti join goribou.
Onor zati, gaar rong, asól zati, boc, mazuri, yato jinsi harone Ascension e onore zodi modot noó gore yato na insafi goijje bouli one monegorile, one eçé Biaraimmar Zugazug (Patient Relations) ot nalic gori fariba.
Do you need an interpreter?
We have qualified interpreters who can help you for free. When you call Ascension, say “Rohingya” and we'll connect you to an interpreter.
If you need help at the doctor's office or hospital, we can get you an interpreter too. Tell us when you make an appointment or at the hospital. The interpreter might be there with you. Or, they might also talk to you on the phone or through a video call.
If you think Ascension didn't help you or treated you unfairly because of your race, color, where you're from, how old you are, if you have a disability, or because of your sex, you can tell Consumer Experience about it here.
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