Supportive living Near Me in Chicago, IL

4 locations
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Ascension Living Resurrection Village

Independent livingand 2 other services
12.13 mi
7262 W Peterson Ave Chicago, IL 60631
Call for daily hours
(773) 792-7930
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Ascension Living Casa Scalabrini Village

Independent living
14.39 mi
420 N Wolf Rd Northlake, IL 60164
Call for daily hours
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Ascension Living Nazarethville Place

Skilled nursingand 1 other service
18.34 mi
300 N River Rd Des Plaines, IL 60016
Call for daily hours
If you are experiencing a life-threatening emergency, call 911 or go directly to the ER.

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Chicago, IL Family MedicineChicago, IL Internal MedicineChicago, IL Podiatry - Foot HealthChicago, IL Nephrology - Kidney HealthChicago, IL Orthopedic SurgeryChicago, IL Obstetrics/GynecologyChicago, IL Interventional CardiologyChicago, IL CardiologyChicago, IL Gastroenterology - Digestive HealthChicago, IL Ophthalmology - Eye DiseaseChicago, IL Primary CareChicago, IL Heart CareChicago, IL Women's HealthChicago, IL NeurosciencesChicago, IL OrthopedicsChicago, IL Cancer CareChicago, IL Behavioral And Mental HealthChicago, IL Genetics